It can be a very daunting task to complete one’s estate plan. Life gets very busy, and the holidays are hectic.
However, it is very important to have one’s affairs in order, and being around family during the holidays can remind us of that.

Practically anyone who owns a home in California will be subject to having their estate go through probate when they pass, unless they have their home funded in a revocable living trust. If you want to make sure your family has an easier time administering your assets when you die, a trust, coupled with a pour-over will, is very important.
It is also important that you are taken care of in the event of your incapacity, and a durable power of attorney and advance healthcare directive will help.
Let us make it easier for you. Contact our office today at 925-644-7905, and we will promptly send you an estate planning organizer if you engage us. This organizer is very simple to complete, and you can easily get it done over the holidays. Once it is complete, you will be on your way to preparing your estate plan in the New Year!